Saturday, July 2, 2016

Another Beginning.

To any and all who read,

It's been quite a bit of time since my last post. I haven't forgotten about this original vision that I had to share my thoughts and experiences with those around me, I've simply been caught up in trying to make my other ambitions a reality. I'm still on the path of one day becoming a physician, and I'm currently about to embark on my final year of undergraduate study at my University. In the year 2017, I will be earning my Bachelors of Science in Biology, something that I have been working toward since the day I left home. 

I've been having a lot of difficulty in recent days holding it all together. Many days I've been wondering if I have bitten off more than I am capable of chewing. Most of the time I know that I have... However, all for a purpose. I know that in the end I will look back on these experiences and feel a sense of thankfulness for conditioning myself to working hard and keeping my eye on the vision ahead of me. I know that the future physician within me is already thankful of this. I am preparing myself to take on all of the challenges. 

This upcoming school year has me excited about a lot of things. I will be challenging myself both in and out of the classroom, as I prepare to take some difficult courses and begin my course of study for the MCAT. While all other years, and my collection of experiences, have been important for the journey ahead, I feel this year is more important than all of the rest. This is the final leg of the race. This is where exhaustion meets perseverance, and you show your true colors as you approach the finish. I am in full awareness that this is only the first of many races, and I'm excited as this one has given me the attitude, and the character, I will need to move forward. 

I plan on volunteering a lot during this upcoming year. While many of my medical experiences in the past have come with a paycheck, I need to remind myself that a true part of becoming a provider is not the money in your pocket. I don't want to be another number in the pool of those who have lost sight of this. 

I don't have too much more to say right now... There was just a part of me that wanted to write again. I wanted to get back to including others in my journey. I want to share my highs and lows with all who care... So they will know that I have both struggled through, as well as thoroughly enjoyed, my journey thus far. And I feel comfort in putting this into words, because there isn't a single part of this that I wouldn't want to revisit on a later date. This is my story, my life, and I want to look back on everything and remember the steps that I took when everything falls into place. A place where I find my true colors, and feels as close to perfection as one could ever hope to be. 

A blessed day to everyone. Back soon.