Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I will never stop moving forward.

I've learned a lot over the past few weeks during our Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support unit. I've always had a profound interest in Cardiology, so this unit was particularly exciting for me. Whether or not I end up deciding to pursue Cardiology as a specialty, it plays a significant role in Emergency Medicine. Even at the most basic level, prehospital personnel need to be able to understand the structure and function of the cardiovascular system, because it's pertinent to most of the situations we encounter. Without a properly functioning cardiovascular system, the prognosis of all of your patients is poor.

I'm particularly excited about testing out for my ACLS certification tomorrow, for several reasons. It marks the end of yet another successful unit in my paramedic program, and it's the last time I need to feel stressed out until after the Thanksgiving holiday.

I'd like to talk a little bit about what I'm thankful for.

For starters, I'm thankful for having a roof over my head, and having the opportunity to pursue my dreams. There are a lot of people who cannot do either of those things, and they have to work a lot harder than I do to pick up and move forward. Which brings me to my next point. I'm thankful for all of the people around me that consistently push their way through the hardships of their lives, just so they can live to see another day. It reminds me of what it means to be human, and that there is always a silver lining to even the darkest of clouds.

I'm thankful for the people in my life, whether they are close to me or just living in acquaintance, for allowing me to do what I do. Without a proper support system, and without those around you working in harmony to pave the road that you wish to follow, nothing is possible for you. There is not a single man or woman that has ever existed and succeeded, who accomplished everything on their own. Teamwork is everywhere, and it's an important concept to grasp.

Finally, I'm thankful for the courage that I have developed in the past few years, to continue on regardless of the difficult situations I have faced. I have never had what you would refer to as "a simple journey," and I will save the specifics for another time, as we venture further and further into my pursuits.

Many of the situations I have encountered haven't been easy, and much of what I will soon encounter will be even harder I'm sure. But one thing's for certain...

I will never stop moving forward.

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