Sunday, December 14, 2014

Learn how to navigate.

So much is changing for me right now. I've had to make so many adjustments, and frankly I am overwhelmed. Why couldn't anybody have told me that adulthood would be so exhausting? Everything seemed so simple as a child, and all we wanted to do was grow up. What are we supposed to do when we can't slow things down? How are we expected to adapt to such abrupt changes?

If you asked me ten years ago where I would have seen myself today, I'd tell you that I didn't have a clue. I figured that I would have graduated college by now, and would have been doing something extraordinary. I'd have nothing specific to offer you... But I had so many dreams.

I still have dreams. None of them are the same as they were ten years ago. And I'd be willing to bet that any of you reading this piece would agree with me that something in your vision has changed.

Does this bother you? Or have you adapted to it, and created a new life for yourself based on new visions, and found yourself completely satisfied with where you are?

If you are indeed satisfied, then I'm happy for you. I am a firm believer that this is the goal. To be happy with the life that you are living.

But let's be real... You can't always be happy. That would be too easy. There is no success without struggle and sacrifice. You don't always wholeheartedly enjoy the journey that you're on. And if you do, you're coasting.

It's alright to feel helpless once in awhile. It's a way of life. There is no way to adapt to a life that is "perfect," and it truly doesn't exist.

My life is not perfect. Sometimes I wish it was, but I honestly think that I would be miserable. Strength arises from our ability to navigate around the detours, and push through the barricades.

I have to make a lot of difficult decisions in the coming weeks. I have to navigate the detours, and push through the barricades that are impeding my journey. It's hard... But the decisions that I make from here on out will be a determinant in the path that I take. I'm at what some would consider to be a "crossroads" in my life. While it seems that many decisions that we may need to make are too hard ot deal with, nothing was ever too difficult for somebody who recognized the true value of continuous composure.

I'm patient, and I'm ready to make the next steps in my life. But there are a few things standing in between myself and the uphill battle that I have ahead of me.

But more on that later...

For now, keep your composure and learn how to navigate. Good things are always ahead of those who persist.

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