Saturday, December 6, 2014

The sky should be your only limit.

I am a dreamer. You can look at this from one of two perspectives. It's either a character flaw, or it will act as a positive contribution to the accomplishments that I wish to achieve.

But let me elaborate.

I always play out scenarios in my head pertaining to my every day life. I always think to myself, "Well this is what I would do if this happened," or "Oh gosh, I don't even want to think about that right now." I try to eliminate the latter from my thought processes, and focus on the visions that could potentially be considered constructive.

Yesterday, I was driving my car during the transition period between class and my evening activities.

(If my mother asks, I was 100% focused on the road at all times)

I started thinking about medical school. I know what you're thinking... "But you always do this."

Calm down. I'm trying to make a point.

It's difficult for me to be patient, or focus on anything important, when all I can think about is the thoughts and feelings that I'll be experiencing when I'm holding that first acceptance letter in my hand.

It's like that feeling deep within your stomach that you used to get as a child on Christmas Eve. The anticipation of how magical the next morning is going to be, wondering what kind of pleasant surprises are in store for you. Wondering if there will be a light flurry of snow throughout the night because that's the only way your Christmas holiday could be any more perfect. It really is the best time of year. How is anybody expected to sleep or even think straight in that state of excitation? I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever be able to value something like that again.

Clearly I have. 

For now, I need to be patient. I need to apply myself in all the right areas of my life, and ever improve my chances of receiving that letter. But this is the kind of thing that I was talking about in my last post. This is the kind of feeling that you need to strive for in your life, because this is what reaching for your goals is supposed to feel like. So please, keep at it. Don't let up on the things in your life that give you these feelings.

On a more current note, I began a new piece of reading tonight. The book is called, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. Supposedly it's main focus is to better help you lead a life of success, and teaches you how to properly interact with people to more easily and flawlessly achieve your goals. It aids you in having a higher level of influence on those around you.

An important aspect of the medical field is interpersonal communication. Patients, colleagues, fellow students... Everybody that you connect with. It goes a long way if you know how to deal with people, and speak to them in an appropriate and constructive way. I'm interested to see how this plays out, and how this new reading material will have an effect on my success in the medical field.

The sky should be your only limit. Find a new way to improve yourself every day.

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